Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Daytime possum

We saw a possum awake at daytime.


  1. That sounds exciting! Possums are nocturnal, as you know. I wonder what that possum was up to, being awake during the day. Naughty possum. It was probably up to troublemaking, I reckon.
    xxx mum

  2. Hi Flower! That is cute. Once I got frightened when a huge possum jumped out of a rubbish bin right when I was going to throw something in. Looking forward to more tales and stories from you soon. Love Gemma Jones x x x x x x

  3. Oh Cool! I live is South Yarra and every night I take my little dog Diesel to the park for a late night walk. We have really big flying foxes in our local park. They hang upside down and eat all the fruit from our trees! They are very cute and make strange little noises. I love looking for animals in the trees. Here is a link so you can see what the flying foxes look like:
    I work with Gemma at Outre, hopefully I will see you there soon!

  4. Hi Flower,
    This is cool. Hope you are good and that I will get to see you next weekend. I miss plying with you. Jamie T
